Dr, José A. Marrero, from Arecibo, Puerto Rico, USA was elected to serve as international
director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 102nd International Convention, held in
Milan, Italy, July 5 through July 9, 2019.
Director Marrero has been a physician for 39 years and is currently medical director for a
community care clinic with emergency care, lab and X-ray facilities. His clinic is the primary
care provider to most of the population within the surrounding areas. Dr. Marrero also works as
an emergency physician for a third-level medical facility which receives referrals from all
medical facilities and hospitals within the Arecibo district.
He became a Lion when he joined the Arecibo Capitan Correa Lions Club in 1996. Director
Marrero has held a number of offices within the association including multiple district Diabetes
Awareness and Action chairperson, multiple district GLT coordinator and recently, multiple
district GST coordinator. He has served as a presenter in five Regional Leadership Institutes and
three USA/Canada Forums. Director Marrero has also served as a member of several
International Convention Election committees.
In recognition of his service, Director Marrero has received 11 International President’s
Certificates, one International President’s Leadership Award and two International President’s
Awards. Director Marrero and his wife, Annie, are both Progressive Melvin Jones Fellows.
Director Marrero also supports an outreach program to the homeless population within Arecibo.
Established by his son and the Arecibo Capitan Correa Lions Club, the program provides food,
clothing and medical care to people in need. Director Marrero has served as president of his local
chapter of the Puerto Rico College of Physicians and as a former city councilperson to the city of
Outside of his Lions and professional responsibilities, Director Marrero pursues an interest in
botany and grows tropical bonsais and orchids in his home.